I joke because it feels like I’m stuck at 21. When people ask me how old I am I always have to sit and think for a second. Almost halfway to 50… which Bradley will be 25 in May! We are getting old. 🙂 This last year hasn’t been the most amazing year, but I do have a lot to be thankful for. I turned 23 during Covid and now 24, hopefully by 25 we aren’t still in the same spot. I’ve never done this before, but I thought it would be fun to do 24 fun facts about myself for my 24th birthday. You may already know some of these, and some may surprise you, but either way it will be fun!
- I was born in California! Cali girl at heart.
- We moved to Savannah, GA when I was in 5th grade.
- We drove all the way from California to Georgia with our cats and dogs.
- I love the east coast more.
- Even after not touching a club for years, I’ll still beat Bradley in golf.
- I was SOOOOO CHUNKY when I was in elementary/middle school.
- I played volleyball, sand volleyball, basketball, golf, ran track & cross country in school.
- I’m pretty sure my parents had me run cross country to try to help me lose my baby weight. HAHA
- I played tee ball once when I was little and cried until my parents got me off the field.
- I LOVE tennis!
- I hated reading when I was younger.
- I had my first kiss my freshman year of high school.
- I LOVE the beach!
- The only C I ever got in school was Accounting in college.
- I have 2 cartilage piercings in my left ear.
- I have 1 tattoo, but would get more.
- I have 2 younger sisters.
- I have a small scar on my cheek for when I had to get a bump removed when I was younger.
- I played volleyball at the University of Georgia.
- I had back surgery almost 5 years ago.
- I got my real estate license right after I graduated college.
- I have a Marketing degree.
- I met Bradley the summer going into my Senior year of high school.
- I believe in love at first sight. Bradley and I knew the night we met each other. #sappy
As always, all opinions and text are my own.